Unlock Your Fitness With Voice Notifications
Why do voice notifications matter?
Fitness enthusiasts love technology. With smartwatches, Bluetooth heart rate monitors, and GPS-enabled smartphones it is easier than ever to track every element of your workouts. Collect your running speed or heart rate. Keep track of your milage and calorie burn. Record your running routes and compare your performance. This type of post-workout data is extremely valuable for tracking your fitness over time. You can easily see when you worked hard, improved, or took things slower than you expected. Still, most of these data points are only helpful after your workout is done. Even if they are visible on the screen of your smartphone, fumbling with screens isn't always possible at the gym or on the trail.
If you're a fitness enthusiast you may be wondering how to get the data you need during your workouts without distracting yourself or taking your eyes off the road. This is where voice notifications save the day.
What are voice notifications?
If you've used a fitness tracking app you're probably familiar with the metrics they record. You can usually see your live heart rate, speed, and overall stats written out on your screens. These stats are great, but voice notifications give you a hands-free way of keeping track of this data.
If you're a runner or cyclist you likely don't want to take your eyes off the road during your workouts. At best watching screens can be a distraction, and it can quickly become dangerous. You need a better way to check your speed or distance on the go. Even if you're more of an indoor athlete it's not always convenient to stay tethered to your smartphone. Certain workouts, like treadmill or indoor cycling, are perfectly suited to this type of tracking because many fitness machines have spots to mount and display your iPhone for analysis. For everything else, this may be way less convenient. You may be moving from machine to machine, doing bodyweight work, or just prefer to keep your gym time and screen time separate.
Fortunately, voice notifications can give you a hands-free way to access all of the metrics you need to give you an edge in your fitness journey. There's no need to take your eyes off the road, check screens, or lug along extra equipment when you've got the right voice notifications to do the job.
What can you do with voice notifications?
You can configure voice notifications to give you access to nearly any metric you want to track.
First, you need to find a fitness tracking app with customizable voice notification options. FITIV Pulse has an extensive list of voice notification customization options to suit your needs, regardless of your preferred workout style.
Working toward a specific goal? Voice notifications can keep you informed about your progress toward your goals while letting you concentrate on pushing yourself harder. By programming voice notifications to tell you your running calorie burn or duration there’s no need to check in on your metrics and distract yourself from your performance. You may want to keep your heart rate under a specific value to ensure that you're not compromising your endurance. Maybe you're trying to push yourself harder and hit new maximum heart rates in your workouts. If you're doing an outdoor workout you may want to keep track of your pace or distance. FITIV Pulse voice notifications are the perfect solution in any of these cases.
How can you incorporate voice notifications into your workouts?
Different athletes have different goals and needs for their workouts. That's why it's important to look for customizable fitness tracking apps. Customizable fitness tracking apps will not only help you get set up for your everyday workouts in the way that suits you best, but also will grow and adjust as your fitness and workout style changes over time.
For users looking to incorporate the value of heart rate training into their workouts a heart rate based notification system is definitely a helpful addition to their workout tracking setup. FITIV Pulse gives a variety options for how your voice notifications can be triggered. Your notifications can be triggered by changing heart rate zones, at timed intervals, or at predetermined distances.
Whether you're looking to keep a steady heart rate or to push yourself, there's a setting for you. Letting FITIV alert your when your heart rate changes zones is a great way to keep sure you're pushing yourself as hard as you need to. Alerts every kilometre or mile can give you the info your need to assess your run or bike without checking screens. FITIV can also alert you to anything you like, from your pace to your distance to your workout duration, motivating you along the way.
How do you get started?
Get started tracking your workouts with extensive voice notifications today! Download FITIV Pulse and use the free 14-day trial to find a configuration that works for you.